About Us

Seek no further, this is the place where proven applications of Chinese Metaphysics are practiced, by the group of dedicated practitioners that goes beyond the boundary of lineages of other FengShui families, to the crux of Dao.

Here the emphasis of the Greater SanYuan inclusive of Heaven (FengShui for the tombs), (FengShui for the living abode) and EarthMan (Holistic Supplements) are practiced.

 Addendum - 1

We came a long way to establish our practice in Chinese Metaphysics with the company of good friends that came from varied backgrounds from teachers to entrepreneurs to even professional, who understands that the applications of these arts and sciences are not devoid of the sensitivity of usable spaces and applicable beauty in archi-techtonics. Even to our surprised, our age gaps of different generations of practitioners from the pre-baby boom era to generation-Y does not hamper in our effort of group practice. 

We did not pay for advertisement, TV productions, commercial write-ups or even agents to market our services. Our services are called upon via recommendations and requests from our avid reader of our blogs. On many accounts we did politely withdrew ourselves in instances of the lack of affinity on both sides. We understands that it must always take two to tango and we are not pressure for fees to upkeep a porch office, staffs, marketeers or even consultants. 

So, we did not take pride to even consider ourselves as "boutique" consultants with brands ranging from high-end lineage, FengShui families, grand-mastery titles, celebrities, public figures, honorary degrees from doubtful establishment and Lordships to mark-up labels of reserved only for the VVIP. From our blog, we only showcase a large segments of Clients mainly from the working class to the desperate ones who came from all walks of life and occasionally some wealthy China-man. Our collections of cases in details unfortunately are not made available to the public at the moment although there were many requests pouring in for us to share our practical experiences. The time just isn't right.

We are not the selected few who are out in the pedestal to compete in the fast-lane for number one and neither are we benchmarking ourselves with the international players. We are satisfy with our own accords with occasionally organizing workshops,research and a constant streams of audits which may have taken some quality times out from our families and friends. We are blessed of not forced to go through the process of force reboot of "control-alternate-delete" each time a partnerships failed albeit our constant reminder of our limited skills in divination, BaZi and FengShui alike. We are NOT PERFECT. We are just - human.

Being human, we preferred long term friendships over just business associates. We would like to be in the company of teachers and mentors who looked upon us not liked a treat or competitors. These notable ones has the wisdom and nobility to differentiate between what is right or wrong and have the heart of unlimited compassion. Indeed, it would be a waste if we only inherits our forefather's knowledge but not their wisdom and compassion. We liked to touch based with friends, seniors and contemporary alike on the occasion for a cup of tea then the web. We ought to create opportunities and not waiting for one to arise.

There is really no magic in our practices. We thank the blessings of Heaven for the endowments of good families, good descendants, sufficient material gains, aged gracefully with less worry and living in a blessed land with no wars, no terrorist, natural disaster or outbreak. We had successfully see through these in our practices and hope more to come.

Give us an opportunity to bring you the fruits of our success in a moderate means where quality of lives precedes over any other greed, hatred and delusions. We had witnessed enough to know that there is always a limit cast in one's destiny. Beyond that one will succumb to force reboot and unnecessary worry of sleeping unsoundly and eat uncomfortably. Moderation are the path of Dao, the mother of all creations.


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